Monday, May 16, 2011
Harry Blausey Released From Prison...
NEWARK — A Newark man convicted of a mortgage scam in 2008 was released from prison Monday after serving more than half of his four-and-a-half year sentence.
Harry Blausey, 69, of Newark, was convicted of 26 felony counts for convincing people to sign over deeds to their homes on the premise that Blausey would negotiate with their mortgage companies to avoid defaulting on debts.
Licking County Common Pleas Court Judge Thomas Marcelain granted his early release after Blausey paid restitution to victims.
Marcelain, who has denied Blausey’s earlier requests, sentenced Blausey to three years of community control Monday. If he violates the terms of his probation, he could be returned to prison.
Neither defense attorney Daniel Arnold nor Licking County Assistant Prosecutor Duke Frost knew how much money Blausey had paid in restitution. Licking County Adult Court Services had received $2,850 for the case, Chief Probation Officer Kelly Miller said.
Other victims sued Blausey for money and those settlements aren’t always public record.
“It was difficult to put a number on,” Marcelain said.
Blausey, a former real estate agent, made money by renting out the homes until they were sold at auction. Jurors found Blausey guilty after a four-day trial.
“He led us to believe he was going to sell our home,” Craig Ottman said. He wasn’t aware anything was wrong until a letter from a mortgage company told him to vacate the house, Ottman said.
The Ottmans were the sole couple not reimbursed through civil lawsuits or restitution from the criminal case, Marcelain said. Their situation will be reviewed.
Marcelain said restitution was the most important objection, but he was not impressed by Blausey’s conduct while in prison.
Blausey received 29 conduct reports for poor behavior, 14 of which resulted in penalties. He instigated a fight with another prisoner, calling him a “no-good hearing-aid thief.” He refused to return a bucket, clean his cell and return to the dorm.
At one point he attempted to flood his cell while in segregation, according to the summary report.
“I have never seen a worse Institutional Summary Report than yours. I’m not sure if you added all of them up they’d be worse than yours,” Marcelain said.
Blausey’s attorney, Arnold, said his client had problems following orders after more than 60 years of freedom.
“He found that transition quite difficult as you can see,” said Arnold, adding that there were no violations since January 2010.
In a December filing, Frost was against Blausey’s early release, but he was not opposed Monday. Others were released after serving less time, he added.
“It’s a white-collar crime,” Frost said. “Quite frankly, he has done half the time.”
Harry Blausey Released From Prison...
NEWARK — A Newark man convicted of a mortgage scam in 2008 was released from prison Monday after serving more than half of his four-and-a-half year sentence.
Harry Blausey, 69, of Newark, was convicted of 26 felony counts for convincing people to sign over deeds to their homes on the premise that Blausey would negotiate with their mortgage companies to avoid defaulting on debts.
Licking County Common Pleas Court Judge Thomas Marcelain granted his early release after Blausey paid restitution to victims.
Marcelain, who has denied Blausey’s earlier requests, sentenced Blausey to three years of community control Monday. If he violates the terms of his probation, he could be returned to prison.
Neither defense attorney Daniel Arnold nor Licking County Assistant Prosecutor Duke Frost knew how much money Blausey had paid in restitution. Licking County Adult Court Services had received $2,850 for the case, Chief Probation Officer Kelly Miller said.
Other victims sued Blausey for money and those settlements aren’t always public record.
“It was difficult to put a number on,” Marcelain said.
Blausey, a former real estate agent, made money by renting out the homes until they were sold at auction. Jurors found Blausey guilty after a four-day trial.
“He led us to believe he was going to sell our home,” Craig Ottman said. He wasn’t aware anything was wrong until a letter from a mortgage company told him to vacate the house, Ottman said.
The Ottmans were the sole couple not reimbursed through civil lawsuits or restitution from the criminal case, Marcelain said. Their situation will be reviewed.
Marcelain said restitution was the most important objection, but he was not impressed by Blausey’s conduct while in prison.
Blausey received 29 conduct reports for poor behavior, 14 of which resulted in penalties. He instigated a fight with another prisoner, calling him a “no-good hearing-aid thief.” He refused to return a bucket, clean his cell and return to the dorm.
At one point he attempted to flood his cell while in segregation, according to the summary report.
“I have never seen a worse Institutional Summary Report than yours. I’m not sure if you added all of them up they’d be worse than yours,” Marcelain said.
Blausey’s attorney, Arnold, said his client had problems following orders after more than 60 years of freedom.
“He found that transition quite difficult as you can see,” said Arnold, adding that there were no violations since January 2010.
In a December filing, Frost was against Blausey’s early release, but he was not opposed Monday. Others were released after serving less time, he added.
“It’s a white-collar crime,” Frost said. “Quite frankly, he has done half the time.”
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Can this be true? Adolf Hitler is now a Mormon, Robert Paisola Reports
On August 30, 1998, Don McAreavy, of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, wrote to the LDS Family History Library asking if LDS proxy temple work had been performed for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. McAreavy specifically wanted to know if temple ordinances had been performed for Hitler and Braun on September 28, 1993, in the Jordan River Temple, Utah.
A response to this inquiry was sent to McAreavy on September 8, 1998. Typed on an official letterhead of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the letter was signed by Mae Dean Ashton. The address of the sender was shown as: Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3400.
Ashton's reply reads as follows:
Dear Mr. McAreavy:
Thank you for your letter of August 30th regarding temple ordinances for Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun.
We searched the International Genealogical Index TM Addendum and found no information listed for either. The enclosed printout is the closest we could find and you will note that birth dates are 1836 and 1838.
No additional information is available.
Mae Dean Ashton
Team Leader
Photoduplication Unit
The printout Ashton sent McAreavy shows LDS proxy ordinances that have been performed for Alois Hiedler or Heidler (Hitler), the father of Adolf Hitler.
In October 1998, McAreavy was able to obtain copies of LDS temple ordinance records for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun from Philip Roberts of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. These IGI (International Genealogical Index) copies reveal that Adolf Hitler was "baptized" and "endowed" on December 10, 1993, and "sealed" to his parents on March 12, 1994. These events took place in the London Temple, England.
Roberts' copies also show that Hitler was "sealed" to Braun on September 28, 1993, in the Jordan River Temple, Utah and on June 14, 1994, in the Los Angeles Temple. Roberts sent copies of these records to Ashton.
McAreavy sent another mailing to Ashton on October 17, 1998, again asking her if she could locate information for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in LDS files. On November 17, 1998, McAreavy mailed a double registered letter to Ashton. He reminded her that Roberts had sent documentation to her that seemed to indicate that the Mormon Church had done temple ordinances for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.
"Would you please be kind enough to verify if the information that Philip Roberts provided is both accurate and proof that temple ordinances were performed for Adolf Hitler," McAreavy wrote.
Ashton replied to McAreavy's November 17 letter on December 2, 1998. She again insisted that the (Alois Hitler) copies she had sent McAreavy with her September 8 letter were all that could be located in the IGI TM (Addendum). McAreavy was informed that he could soon expect to receive a reply from the (Family History) Department Director.
On December 29, 1998, McAreavy again wrote to Ashton. He requested the name and mailing address of the Department Director because he had received no communication from that person as promised by Ashton. When there was no response to this request, McAreavy wrote directly to the Department Director of the Photoduplication Department of the Family History Library on January 25, 1999. McAreavy again asked if the Mormon Church had done temple ordinances for Hitler and Braun.
The following reply, again typed on an official letterhead of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dated March 16, 1999, was sent to McAreavy from the Family History Library:
To Whom It May Concern:
Subject: Famous or Historical Figures
You recently wrote to inquire if temple ordinances have been performed for a famous or historical figure. As a matter of policy, we respond to such requests only when those making the request are directly related to the person about whom they seek information.
In might be helpful to know that, as an institution, we have no control over the names individuals submit to receive temple ordinances. However, we strongly counsel Church members to submit only the names of those persons to whom they are related. Furthermore, we believe that ordinances performed in behalf of any deceased individual are valid only if that person is worthy of and chooses to accept what has been done in his or her behalf.
The Church spends a great deal of time, effort, and money to make information available that helps not only its members, but all who are interested in family history pursuits. You are welcome to use the resources we provide. We hope you find satisfaction in doing so.
Family History Department
In this impersonal communication to McAreavy, the LDS Family History Department clearly avoided taking responsibility for the discrepancy between Ashton's September 8 denial of LDS temple work for Hitler and Braun—and the IGI copies, supplied by Roberts, which seem to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt—that this notoriously well-known pair have, indeed, had proxy LDS ordinances performed on their behalf.
At the time McAreavy made his initial inquiry to the Family History Library on August 30, there were multiple entries in LDS temple ordinance files that showed that Mormons have performed various rituals on behalf of Hitler and Braun. These records can still be accessed. Ashton gave McAreavy incorrect information. Was this a deliberate evasion of truth? What are the facts?
Current IGI TM addendum temple ordinance entries for Mr. (Adolf) Hiedler (Hitler) show that Hitler was "baptized" by Mormons on September 30, 1993, and "endowed" on April 27, 1994, in the Jordan River Temple, Utah. This record was in the IGI TM Addendum at the time of Ashton's denial to McAreavy (of temple ordinance information for Adolf Hitler) on September 8. 1 obtained a copy of this particular record for Hitler from the LDS Family Search Center in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in downtown Salt Lake City on July 13, 1998—less than two months before Ashton stated that no such IGI record existed for Hitler!
If Ashton and her co-workers were not very efficient in their search for Adolf Hitler temple ordinance entries in the LDS genealogical computer system, the same could be said for their lack of thoroughness in locating the same type of records for Eva Braun.
Eva Anna Paula Braun, born in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, on February 7, 1912, was "baptized" by Mormons on October 16, 1964, and "endowed" on February 5, 1965, in the Los Angeles Temple. She had been "sealed" to her parents some time prior to 1970. This information is current and is easily accessible in the IGI TM Addendum, in which file Ashton stated that no information was available for either Hitler or Braun. Genuine seekers should have found these entries for Braun.
In this case, it seems these records may have been intentionally overlooked. Was it easier for McAreavy to be given inaccurate information rather than present him with any copies that he could possibly have used against the Mormon Church? Or, are the staff of the Family History Library so poorly skilled at accessing their own computer files that they missed the entries in question?
In addition to the IGI, which is a huge database of names and vital information for multi-millions of people, with an Ordinance Index attached, the other significant LDS genealogical file is the Ancestral File. In this family history archive, LDS ordinance records may be found attached to pedigree charts.
There are currently Ancestral File ordinance records that show that Adolf Hitler was "baptized" on September 4, 1993, "endowed" on October 12, 1993, and "sealed" to his parents and also Eva Braun on June 14, 1994 in the Los Angeles Temple. The June 14 sealing of Hitler and Braun is the same sealing of which Roberts sent copies to McAreavy and Ashton. These entries could once be found in the IGI. They have since been deleted, along with other entries for prominent Nazis. What is going on here? Prior to adding the 1997 edition to the IGI, it seems that the Mormon Church, intent on preserving its public image, attempted to remove the names of well-known Nazis from the IGI files. Most of the IGI entries for Adolf Hitler, Mrs. (Adolf Hitler), Adolf Eichmann, Paul Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, and Heinrich Himmler were quietly removed. Also erased were the records for Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Fascist Italy from 1922 to 1943 and an ally of Hitler and the Third Reich.
But the deletion effort was botched. Some entries were missed, such as the ones still current for Hitler and Braun in the IGI and Ancestral File. The IGI ordinance records for Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess, which correctly showed his place of birth as Alexandria, Egypt, were deleted—yet other IGI ordinance entries still exist for Hess, wrongly listing his place of birth as Germany.
Also missed were LDS ordinance records, which still exist in the Ancestral File, for Paul Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Goering. These entries, which include baptisms for each of them, may have been intentionally removed from the IGI files.
Mormons apparently overlooked the LDS ordinance records of other well-known Nazis during their IGI purge. These records are currently accessible. Included in this liberal list are: Reinhard Heydrich, "The Father of The Final Solution"—Hitler's plan to exterminate all Jews in Europe; Alfred Rosenberg, hanged at Nuremberg for war crimes; Ernst Roehm, once the thuggish leader of Hitler's Storm Troopers; and Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, the Famous Desert Fox of World War II.
In May 1994 and March 1996, from LDS genealogical centers I obtained numerous Nazi IGI entries that have since been deleted. In this collection are copies of the LDS records for Hitler and Braun that Roberts sent to McAreavy and Ashton, with the additional sealing of Adolf Hitler to his parents on June 14, 1994.
I have IGI copies of all the LDS ordinance records for Hitler, which are currently in the Ancestral File—but no longer in the IGI. As well, my copies show another baptism for Hitler, almost identical to the one still in the IGI files under Heidler (Hitler) with the same ordinance dates. But the deleted entry is listed as Hitler (Hiedler) Adolf, showing a birth date of 1889. The Hiedler (Hitler) entry shows a birth date of 1891—so they are different records.
A mysterious record for a Mr. Hitler, of Vienna, Austria, with date of death 1900, and showing a proxy baptism date of April 15, 1924, in the Logan Temple, Utah, is also no longer in the IGI files. Other vanished IGI entries are a sealing of Adolf Hitler to Eva Braun on October 19, 1993, at the Jordan River Temple, and a baptism for Mrs. Hitler (Hiedler) on September 10, 1993, and an endowment for her on March 17, 1994, also in the Jordan River Temple.
The Mormon Church has attempted to deliberately conceal LDS temple ordinances for Adolf Hitler. This first occurred with the disappearance of many of the IGI records for Hitler and other publicly known evildoers of the Third Reich. Then—there was a second attempt to cover-up Nazi records when Ashton told McAreavy that no LDS temple ordinances had been performed for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.
Even when confronted by Roberts with IGI temple records for Hitler and Braun, those in charge of the Family History Department at the Family History Library, representing the genealogical arm of the Mormon Church, did not want to take responsibility for these records. Their implausible excuse was that they have no control over the names individuals submit to receive temple ordinances.
Like a slippery snake in the grass, the Mormon Church may have tried to dodge public criticism by denying its questionable proxy recognition of Adolf Hitler—the amoral and evil Nazi genius who was responsible for the terror and barbarism of the Third Reich and the loss of millions of innocent lives before and during World War II. But LDS ordinance records speak for themselves—Mormons have repeatedly claimed the unpopular Hitler. Anything stated to the contrary cannot alter this conclusion.
Deception is not the hallmark of a church with integrity. As the Mormon Church will eventually find out—even the most artful serpent can be choked by its own coils!
By Helen Radkey
Behind closed temple doors, and unquestionably in defiance of the May 1995 agreement between Mormons and Jews, in which the LDS Church promised to cease temple ordinances for deceased Jews who are not direct ancestors of living Mormons, the practice never stopped. Since 1995, Mormons have performed proxy ordinances for most Jewish notables, including prominent Israeli political figures: Yitzhak Rabin, Moshe Sharett, Golda Meir, David Ben-Gurion and Theodor Herzl—along with hundreds of thousands of other Jews, including multitudes of Jews in the arts, the sciences and in the entertainment field—such as Gilda Radner, the Marx Brothers and the Three Stooges. Even Jews on the Titanic, who went into the icy waters of the North Atlantic with the Jewish Shema prayer on their lips, spoken with their last breath, have been proxy baptized and proclaimed as members of the LDS Church.
There is no way to accurately count the number of Jews who have been subjected to proxy ordinances since the agreement was signed. The figure is probably staggering and over a million. In seven years of intensive research, I have amassed a sizeable collection of copies of post-1995 proxy ordinance entries for obvious Jews from the LDS Church's database of posthumous ordinances, the International Genealogical Index (IGI). Sources are usually not cited in the IGI, but I have found many entries that were taken from identifiable Jewish sources, such as Holocaust lists and synagogue records.
According to LDS belief, the only way to enter the highest "heaven" is by being baptized through Mormon rite. Mormons advise those who protest that proxy baptism does not necessarily make dead Jews into Mormons; it gives their souls, which retain free will, the ability to choose "the true Gospel of Jesus Christ" and thus the opportunity to enter the highest kingdom in the hereafter. However, the baptismal and confirmation prayers used by Mormons in their temples are explicit in their content. Deceased parties are baptized by proxy without the option to decline. They are then confirmed as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by proxy and supposedly given the gift of the Holy Ghost, again without the option to decline. If Mormons, in general, are so adamant that the dead always have the opportunity to accept or reject these posthumous ordinances—then why is this choice not reflected in the wording of their baptismal and confirmation prayers?
If Jews live their lives in the earthly domain as devout Jews, why would they want to deny their religious existence here and adopt some other faith in the world to come? What are some of the deeper implications of proxy baptism?
LDS rites for the dead are unbridled attempts to deny the legitimacy of the religious beliefs of lives already lived and to manipulate deceased parties into Mormonism, under the pretext of supposedly offering these voiceless and defenseless souls the highest degree of spiritual glory in the hereafter. The practice of proxy baptism is the ultimate in religious intolerance. Who are Mormons to say they carry the only "keys" to open heaven's gates—and then offer these "keys" to Jewish deceased who must either accept this offer or miss out on "celestial glory"?
What Mormons perceive as a service to humanity and not an offense to others is nothing more than self-delusion. Proxy baptism is a form of religious libel. Heartfelt as it may seem to Mormons, it ultimately casts doubt on the Jewish heritage of all Jews, including Jewish religious, philosophical, political and cultural leaders. Centuries from now, when people look to historical documentation about Jewish figures, they'll find that the LDS Church's public lists may show these deceased Jews as Mormons. The private lists of the LDS Church will most certainly show them as such. Mormons may have removed many names of Jews from their IGI records, currently available for public viewing, but the LDS Church maintains private ordinance lists. And, once performed, no LDS ordinance is ever undone, nor is there any procedure by which an ordinance can be reversed, despite vehement protest.
LDS Church members cross the line by collecting the names of multi-thousands of Jews murdered in the Holocaust and inflicting yet another injustice upon them in the form of posthumous ordinances. These innocents died for no other reason than because they were Jews. For the sake of collective Jewish memory, their religious identities must remain intact. Proxy baptisms help to whitewash the Holocaust by attempting to remove the Jewish identities of those who were murdered. And for the sake of historical accuracy, the religious identity of these victims of the Holocaust must remain unquestioned.
Jewish Holocaust victims, described by the Church as having been removed from the IGI database, are reappearing in the lists of the posthumously baptized, name after name, family after family. Some of these Holocaust victims, murdered as young teenagers, have no direct descendants, yet the Mormon faithful submit their names anyway, falsely claiming descendancy. Zealous Mormons are still pouring names of Jewish Holocaust victims into the LDS temple system. Some of these names are showing up in the IGI showing death camps, such as Auschwitz or Sobibor, on the entries.
Mormons are attempting to revise history through proxy baptisms. LDS proxy temple ordinances for Jews demonstrate total disrespect for Jews and Jewish feelings and should not be tolerated by any self-respecting Jew on the face of this Earth.
Even as Jewish leaders hold private negotiations with LDS officials on this long unresolved issue, after almost eleven years of continuous agreement breaches by Mormons, where is the outrage? Are these Jewish leaders quietly capitulating to reassurances from LDS officials that there will be new methods to curb the enthusiasm of overzealous Mormons and prevent them from submitting names of Jews from whom they are not directly descended into the LDS Church's temple system?
Why do Jewish leaders continue to overlook the huge number of deceased Jews subjected to proxy ordinances in violation of the 1995 agreement? Shouldn't they emphatically seek redress from the LDS Church that repeatedly gives, and then breaks its word to Jews, all the while shamefully denying wrongdoing? Don't the Jewish leaders who were involved in the signing of this legal agreement have a responsibility to the worldwide Jewish community to take decisive action against this group of religious revisionists who think they are the exclusive caretakers of salvation?
Representing the memory of every single deceased Jew subjected to posthumous ordinances by Mormons in blatant violation of the 1995 agreement should be the primary task of the Jews who signed this document. Why have these Jewish leaders collectively abdicated their moral and ethical responsibility to ensure that the provisions of the agreement are finally and firmly enforced?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Dept. of Commerce: Tru Talent is 'true deceiver' From KSL
Video Courtesy of
March 15th, 2011 @ 10:34pm
SALT LAKE CITY -- A Utah talent agency investigated by KSL 5 News is now in trouble with the state. In a 70-count citation, authorities at the Utah Department of Commerce are accusing Tru Talent Management of deceptive sales practices.
A misleading sales pitch is exactly what brought Whitney Moore to KSL in 2009. Instead of finding the aspiring model any work, she says Tru Talent charged her for expensive classes and headshots.
The state says Tru Talent used the same tactics on other unsuspecting Utahns and on state investigators during an undercover operation.
"We have numerous victims that have lost a good deal of money with the promise of fame. It just doesn't quite happen that way," said Francine Giani, executive director of the Utah Department of Commerce.
Tru Talent has 10 days to respond to the citation and request a hearing to fight a potential fine of $175,000.
CLICK HERE to review the full citation.
KSL 5 News investigates Tru Talent Management
Video Courtesy of
HOLLADAY -- The company is called Tru Talent Management. People say the company approached them in public. But after signing up, they never wound up working on a stage or runway, and wish they had run away.
Whitney Moore was on the job at Wal-Mart when, out of the blue, a Tru Talent representative spotted her.
"He introduced himself and said I had the perfect physique for a model," said Moore. "It was pretty flattering."
The representative invited Moore to audition at Tru Talent headquarters in Holladay.
Whitney Moore, Tru Talent Management client
"He said ‘That was great. I really want to get you signed up,'" explained Moore. "So I'm thinking 'Oh! I'm gonna get a job. They're going to be an agency for me.'"
The company did bring out a contract; only it wasn't to become the next top model. Instead it required Moore to pay Tru Talent $2,000 for photos and acting classes. Moore could not afford to pay that in cash; however, a company that's controlled by the relative of a Tru Talent executive was willing to finance the payment. Whitney signed up last summer.
"They don't get you jobs," said Moore. "I don't know what the courses are like. I was never able to take them. I'm paying for services I never received."
We found formal complaints about Tru Talent filed with the Better Business Bureau and the State of Utah. Apparently, you never know where a Tru Talent representative could spot you - at the mall, a store, or the school yard. People say they were told they had the look and got invited to a free audition. But that's where the free part ended.
Debbie Dujanovic
After the audition comes a contract. Aspiring actors and models wind up paying hundreds of dollars for classes and photos. Some say they're still waiting for work.
We went to Tru Talent with a list of questions and were told to contact the company attorney. We did that and returned for an interview a few days later.
Carrie Thayn is Tru Talent's Chief Financial Officer (CFO). According to her, "We never promise anything as far as making anyone a star ... is what we do is promise our talent is that through proper training, if they are interested in this field, the more training, the more likely you are to be successful."
We asked the company to respond to Moore's complaint. Thayn said, "We have a great product and service we offer the people of Utah, and we stand 100 percent behind it."
Carrie Thayn, Tru Talent CFO
Thayn presented us with a 10-page list of jobs/appearances for which Tru Talent has booked its clients. The company arranged for us to talk to three clients who say they attribute their acting and modeling success to Tru Talent. Two of those people mentioned they also now work for Tru Talent. So what about people who are unhappy?
"Complaints, we take very seriously here," said Thayne. "It's a case-by-case basis as to how we respond to those complaints. But we do have a great product and service, and we do uphold our end of the contract."
We read through the contract and saw that it does include the line, "Tru Talent does not guarantee any modeling or acting opportunities." And here's something else to keep in mind. The company says it follows an industry-wide practice of approaching people in public places. That gives you the option to walk away. You don't have to sign a contract.
"We have many different ways of finding our talent, and we are most interested in those who are interested in us," said Thayn.
So will Tru Talent let Whitney out of her contract? No. Tru Talent disputes her claims. They told us she stopped attending classes. Whitney says when the company switched class dates, she couldn't attend because she was away at college.
What should you do if you get picked out in a crowd? Consumer advocates and industry experts say take the business card and go home. Then check out the company's rating with the Better Business Bureau. If you book an appointment at the agency, don't sign anything right away. Do more homework and carefully read through the paperwork.
AMENDED ADMINISTRATIVE CITATION (Amended as to date only page 6)
PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORlTY granted by UTAHCODE ANNOTATED § 13-2-6(3), as amended, which empowers the Division of Consumer Protection to issue a citation upon any person reasonably believed to be engaged in the violation of any statute listed in UTAH CODE Al\'NOTATED §13-2-1, as amended, it appears, upon information and belief, that you are in violation of the Consumer Sales Practices Act, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED §13-11 -4 et seq. In particular, the Division of Consumer Protection alleges:
I. Since at least 2007, and continuing thereafter, Respondents Tru Talent Management SLC, Inc. (TTM) and Brandie Lee Frommelt have engaged in, or caused others to engage in, a variety of deceptive acts or practices to induce consumers into purchasing acting and/or modeling classes and other related services such as headshots and fashion photography. Respondents have marketed a scheme that will purportedly help conswners make their dream of becoming an actor or fashion model a reality. Respondent' s talent scouts use untrue statements to solicit names and phone numbers from potential consumers. Respondent's telemarketers call scouted consumers and use untrue statements to entice them to come in for an audition. At Respondent's place of business, consumers meet with sales agents, a/k/a new face agents, who use untrue statements to get consumers to sign contracts for modeling and/or acting classes and photography. Respondent' s contract requires consumers to purchase a minimum of six (6) photographs at $40.00 per photograph. Respondent's use untrue statements to up-sell photographs to eacb client. In addition, Respondent's website misrepresents that TTM has been in business for "over 12 years", when in fact TIM has only been in business since 2005.
1 From October 2010 until this date I received consumer complaints from the following consumers. Trisha Allen-Gibby, Shalmon McQueen, Vanessa Grancagnolo, Amber Bowden, Monica Medina, and Karen Montreal. The allegations from these six (6) consumers are consistent with the information contained in this citation.
2 From October 20 I 0 until this date I met with and interviewed six (6) previous employees of Respondents. The employees are listed, along with their past jobs positions, as follows. Gabriela Perez (Booking Agent), James McGuire (Scout, Telemarketer, Sales Agent), Robb Johnson (Sales Agent, Manager), Mario Garcia (Sales Agent, Manager), Carrie Thayn (Chief Financial Officer), and Rafael Lima (Collector). Through my interviews with the above previous employees the following scheme was uncovered.
3 Respondent's talent scouts solicit consumers in malls, restaurants, stores, public events and other public places that have a large population ofpeople. Respondent's talent scouts target parents with babies and children, teens, adults, senior citizens, and handicapped persons. Talent scouts use lII1true statements with potential consumers to get them to provide the talent scout with the consumers name and phone number. Some types of lII1true statements made by talent scouts are consumers could be an actor or model for magazines, television commercials and even movies that TIM is involved with. Talent scouts tell consumers that TTM has upcoming auditions for companies sucb as Toys R Us, Pediped shoes, Baby Gap, Ikea, Pottery Barn, Shopko. In addition, talent scouts tell consumers that TIM bas auditions for movies such as Hunger Games and Disney movies such as Ant Farm and High School Musical 4. These statements are untrue because TIM does not bave the authority to do auditions for those companies and movies. Talent scouts are told to say it's a "free audition", wben in fact the scheme is to sign consumers up for paid acting and/or modeling classes and photography.
4 Respondent's telemarketers call scouted consumers and use untrue statements to entice conswners into coming in for an audition. Telemarketers use statements such as "My assistant thought you were really good looking", "You might be perfect for some parts", "We have an audition coming up that I thought you might be perfect for", or "We work with Disney". Telemarketers are taught to say anything to get consumers to come in for a sales appointment. Telemarketers are required to schedule a minimum number of leads per day or they bave to stay after hours until the schedule is full. If new leads are not enough to fill the schedule, telemarketers are told to go through old leads alld try to schedule them.
5 Respondent's sales agents then meet with consumers at TIM. The sales agent's job is to use whatever means necessary to sell the scouted conswners "tbe dream" and convince them they have talent. Sales agents are taugbt to make sure consumers don't do well on
their "auditions" so a sale can be made for classes. Sales agents have consumers read a
part, or demonstrate modeling skills, however, no matter how well the consumer does, the
consumer is told they need to take classes. The sales agents tells the conSLUner that with
the right training and photos they will have a better chance of getting booked for a movie,
modeling job or both. To make Respondents and commissioned sales agents' money,
sales agents have to sign consumers up for acting and/or modeling classes and
photographs. Any consumer who can pay is signed up regardless of their talents or
abilities. Conswners are required to sign a contract and nearly all consumers sign a
finance contract through Respondents in-house financing at 18% per annum. After the
scouted individual has signed the contract, the sales agent automatically schedules them for a photo shoot and acting and/or modeling classes so TIM can say that services were
rendered, which will make it harder for the talent to back out of their contract.
1 Respondent's photographer is a make-up artist, not a professional photographer. Photographs are an important part of the scheme because they yield high profits for Respondents. Consumers come in and the make-up artist gets them ready for photographs and then takes the photographs. Several shots are taken and consumers are told they have to buy a minimum of six (6) photographs at $40.00 each. Consumers are always told they should huy 12 photographs at $40.00 each, which is unnecessary but increases Respondents profits. The photos are sent to l\vo graphic atiists to be edited, which are Ms. Frommelt's mother and aunt.
2 Respondents only employ one hooking agent. The hooking agent has ahout 4000 consumers in their data base and the majority is babies and children. The number of actual bookings, compared to the number of paid consumers on file, is few and far between. The booking agent sends out emails and notices offake auditions and photo shoot submissions to consumers to perpetuate the scheme. Many times Respondents accept photo submissions from consumers and the photos are not mailed out by the booking agent. Since 2007, only five (5) or six (6) TIM consumers have made enough money to pay off their contracts and photographs. Since 2007, no TIM consumers have made as much as $30,000.00 per year as an actor and/or model.
3 Respondents run credit reports on consumers who sign finat1ce contracts. Those consumers who sign finance contracts, with a credit score of 690 or higher, have their finance contracts sold to another company which Ms. Frommelt's father, Walt Frommelt owns. The name ofthis company is RMF Rock}' Mountain Financial (RMF). RMF pays Respondents 87% of the [ll1ance contracts value. The collections on the RMF contracts are still made in-house by Respondent's collection employee. Once a month Respondents print out a spread sheet of accounts for Mr. Frommelt and then Mr. Frommelt writes a R.MF check to Respondents. Respondents then collect on the finance contracts and deposit the money into the RMF bank account. Those consumers that stop paying are subjected to aggressive collection techniques by Respondents. Some accolU1ts are sent to collections through a third patiy collection agency. Accounts that are sent to collections from RMF are repurchased by Respondents.
4 On December 10,2010, Respondents were mailed a "Cease and Desist" letter from Lions Gate Entertainment Inc. (LGE) regarding Respondents falsely advertising auditions and casting calls for the movie "Hunger Games". A copy of the letter from LGE was mailed to the Utah Attorney General's Office and then forwarded to Utab Consumer Protection.
II. On January 6,2011, Investigator Glen Minson and Investigator Spencer Heward were approacbed by a TTM scout while eating at a restaurant. Investigator Minson was told he could be a model for a magazine like "Vogue" or a model for television commercials and even movies. Investigator Minson was told he would get a minimum oftwo modeling opportunities per month and there was no upfront payment. Investigator Minson was told that TIM makes money from a percentage of the work they find for their models. Investigator Minson asked if he had to have TIM do the photo shoot and Investigator Minson was told he didn't need to.
12. On January 13,201 1, Investigators Minson and Heward went to TIM in an wldercover role to determine what misrepresentations were being made by TTM during the recruiting process. Investigators met with sales agent Fernanda "Nanda" Galhardo and tbe following untrue statements were told to investigators. Ms. Galhardo stated TIM is the nwnber one booking agency and modeling agency in Utah. Ms. Galhardo stated casting directors are currently looking for tall guys, which is why Investigator Minson was recruited. Ms. Galhardo indicated TIM is the only talent agency in the valley that offers lifetime photography and that he'd never have to pay for photography again. Ms. Galhardo advised Investigator Minson he should take both modeling and acting classes. Ms. Galhardo stated "if you're not working, I don't get paid." Ms. Galhardo indicated she gets 20% of the fee when she books a talent. Ms. Galhardo claimed she doesn't work with just anyone and actually works with very few people because she only wants to work with people that will make her money. Ms. Galhardo states she guarantees there will be an audition available every two weeks. Ms. Galhardo stated TIM has a "huge" contract with Disney.
13. On February 1,201 1, Investigator Glen Minson spoke with attorney Stuart Kricin from Disney legal department. Mr. Kricin stated he spoke with the production office of Salry Pictures (SP), which is a production entity that has produced a lot of Disney Channel motion pictures in Utah. Mr. Kticin also spoke with Jeff Johnson, an independent casting director that works in Utah and has done casting for SP. Mr. Kricin advised that TIM's representation of having a "huge contract" with Disoey is false. Mr. Kricin advised he has been unable to find that TIM has any contracts with Disney. Mr. Kricin stated it was misleading for TTM to advertise auditions for "Ant Farm" because Disney would not have been doing auditions like the flyer represents. Mr. Kricin stated "Ant Farm" is a pilot that is in production for Disney Channel. Mr. Kricin stated an audition for something like "Ant Farm" wou ld involve the taleot going in front of a casting director and not something where tbey would be submitting a picture for an "audition."
14. That on February 23, 2011, Investigator Minson and myself interviewed Jeff Johnson, an independent casting director in Utah. Mr. Jolmson does a large percentage, if not the
majority, of the casting for Disney in Utah. During this interview Mr. Johnson indicated
TIM would not have a contract with Disney. Mr. Johnson advised TIM ranks at the
boltom of his list as far as his approval of the business practices of the talent agencies he
works with. Mr. Jolmson advised he has spoken with Ms. Frorrunelt on numerous
occasions over the last several years and repeatedly warned her about not using Disney's
name or his name inappropriately to recruit talent. Mr. Johnson claims that every time he
hears something regarding TIM inappropriately representing an affiliation they don' t
have, he mentions it to Ms. Fronm1elt but she blames the scouts or sales agents.
1 During this interview Mr. Johnson was shown a printout ofTIM's website which showed TIM using a picture advertisement for High School Musical 3, which leaves an impression TIM was or is affiliated directly with that movie. Mr. Jolmson states this is not the case and TIM should not be using images or representations like that. Mr. Johnson advised that he has heard that people at TIM have told some consumers they were guaranteed a role in High School Musical 4. Mr. Johnson believes it is deceptive to make representations like that to consumers because TIM has no control over who is going to get any part in a film.
2 During this interview Mr. Johnson was presented with an audition flyer sent out previously to TIM consumers about a Disney Channel audition called "Ant Farm." The description on the flyer stated TIM consumers could go to TIM's location and have headshots taken and they wuuld be submiLLed tu Disney. Mr. Johnson indicated that is not an audition. An audition would be in front of a casting director where you are being considered for a specific part for a specific project. Mr. Johnson pointed OUl that the "Ant Farm" flyer sent to TTM consumers was misleading because it stated Disney was casting for "extras and featured roles." Mr. Johnson indicated "Ant Fam1" was not being filmed in Utah and the industry doesn't typically hire extras from outside the state where the film is being shot due expense, time, and availability issues in doing so.
3 During this interview Mr. Johnson stated he is aware of many of the allegations and alleged deceptive practices TIM is utilizing based on what he hears in the industry and fi'om consumers. Mr. Johnson believes it is unethical to charge as much as TIM does for the modeling and acting classes. Mr. Johnson indicated the photography quality from TIM is substandard based on what he gets from other photographers that shoot consumer headshots and photographs. Mr. Johnson believes TTM is only interested in signing talent and collecting money, not finding talent work. Mr. Johnson stated, "They don' t care if they get a booking or not."
4 During this interview Mr. Johnson stated he believes some people might need acting and modeling classes, but he doesn't think TTM does a very good job of doing them. We asked Mr. Johnson if it was true that 30% of all movies are made in Utah, which is a representation being made by certain TIM employees. Mr. Johnson said Utah is not even in the top three states for film production. Mr. Johnson guessed that maybe 1% of all movies are made in Utal1. Johnson stated Utah is a very small movie market. Mr. Johnson stated he might see 700 to 1000 people for a film be is casting and only hire 15.
19. During this interview we asked Mr. Johnson ifhe thought having approximately 4000 consumers on file with one booking agent was reasonable based on industry standards. Mr. Johnson believed having that many conswners, with such a limited nwnber ofjobs in Utah, would prevent any agency from being able to make claims about their ability to actually place consumers with regular frequency. Mr. Johnson stated this industry is tough and most people make very little, if any, money as a model or actor in Utah. Mr. Johnson stated people will work in the industry for decades and still be struggling to fmd work or make any money. Mr. Johnson advised he does not believe TIM's business model was sustainable if TIM were to conduct their business like other talent agencies and primarily seek compensation from booking clients. Mr. Johnson does not believe Ms. Frommelt is oblivious to the potentially deceptive practices he hears about in his experience. Mr. Johnson indicated jobs for babies and children are much rarer than jobs for teens and adults. Because of the labor restrictions, babies and children are not ideal for casting in anything. In fact, Mr. Johnson stated they will often cast people over the age of l8 that look younger so they don't run afoul of labor laws.
The above actions are in violation of one or more of the following subsections of the Consumer Sales Practices Act, UTAH CODE ANNOTATED §13-1 1-4, Deceptive act or practice by supplier.
(l) A deceptive act or practice by a supplier in connection with a conswner transaction violates this chapter whether it occurs before, during, or after the transaction.
(2) Without limiting the scope of Subsection (I), a supplier commits a deceptive act or practice if the supplier knowingly or intentionally:
(a) indicates that the subject of a consumer transaction has sponsorship, approval, perfonnance characteristics, accessories, uses, or benefits, if it has not.
(b) indicates that the subject ofa consumer transaction is ofa particular standard, quality, grade, style, or model, if it is not;
(d) indicates that the subject of a conswner transaction is available to the consumer for a reason that does not exist;
(e) indicates that the subject ofa conswner transaction has been suppli ed in accordance with a previous representation, if it has not;
(h) indicates that a specific price advantage exists, if it does not;
(i) indicates that the supplier has a sponsorship, approval, or affi liation the supplier does not have.
(70 Counts-Potential Fine $175,000)
(This citation may be amended or supplemented based on an ongoing investigation)
THIS CITATION ISSUED this the 14th day of March 2011
~__. 0
David P. Furlong, Investigator
Utah Division of Consumer ProtectlOn
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